Raini: The Lords of Light — August Roundup
Standing still while the world moves forward is effectively the same as going backwards. With this in mind, the Raini team gets to work every day and focuses hard on making our exciting trading card game, The Lords of Light, better and better.
With real life getting in the way, even the most involved players and community members might miss some of the cool stuff that’s happening in the development of RTLOL… but don’t worry — we got you, fam. This article will cover everything you need to know about the latest game changes.
Some highlights
First things first, we’ll start with some highlights of the newest additions to the game. Most additions have been added to improve the quality of the game and make it function better:
- Mulligan feature: with this feature,x players can select cards in their opening hand and replace them with new ones, drawn from the deck.
- Spell Cancel feature: players may now cancel targeted spells.
- Phoenix on death fx: with the new update, a dying phoenix has a brand-new video and audio effect, which triggers as it is returned to the players’ hand.
- Ivan On Play Animation (OPA): Upon playing Ivan, a new animation will play, paired with an accompanying audio.
- Portal audio effects: an audio effect has been added to accompany the visual of a portal opening at the start of a turn, and closing after a card has been staked.
- NEW spell added (FUD): this spell costs 1 yellow and 1 colorless gem to play and removes Lifesteal, Guardian, Thorns, Poisonous, Overkill and Shockwave from all minions. Their fear, uncertainty and doubt will creep in, making them weaker.
- Made improvements to the deck editor.
- Enhanced card collection loading times.
- Made improvements to the on play animation system.
Bug Fixes
Bugs are annoying enough in the real world, but unfortunately, we can’t do much to change that. What we can do is offer players refuge from bugs within the game world — by systematically eradicating every single bug from RTLOL. To that end, we are working our way through taking out all of the bugs that our testers and community have raised and targeted for us, with the following added to our kill count recently:
- Potential audio cutting out issues solved.
- Leviathan now correctly accounts for all gems, not just blue gems.
- Lizardman now correctly spawns with Poisonous 10.
- Pudgy Posse’s On Death effect and icon removed.
- Lifesteal now steals the correct amount of health.
- Lifesteal attack timing when attacking a hero is fixed to be the same as when attacking a minion.
- Overkill no longer triggers on Shielded minions.
- Overdrawn cards correctly show their colored frames.
- Fixed a bug related to the incorrect gem being replaced when staking with a full gem tray.
- Fixed a bug where Black Swan was not stealing the correct stats from a minion destroyed by its on play ability.
- Removed Kitsune’s hidden ability to gain forcefield after a spell was played.
- Removed hidden Lifesteal effect from Chad Raini & Lorem Ipsum.
- Fixed a bug where Ivan’s On Play ability wasn’t correctly displaying or resolving.
- Fixed a bug where replicators spawned by other replicators were not correctly gaining Pumped from Wen Lambo.
- Fixed a bug where an electrical charge was rendering on gems.
- Fixed a bug with Titan’s fortify ability.
- Fixed a bug where -10 HP text was sometimes persisting above cards.
- Fixed a bug with rainbow gem where ordering was working incorrectly.
However, we need your help — join the Alpha testing mobile infantry today and report bugs to help us save the game world. Service Guarantees Raini Citizenship.
In addition to compelling gameplay, underpinned by compelling play and earn tokenomics, we are committed to providing players with a visually pleasing and immersive experience. Aside from the highlights above, check out the latest artistic updates below:
- Added staking portal animations to help act as a more obvious reminder/prompt to players who have not staked yet. This should help reduce the incidence of players accidentally ending their turn without staking.
- Optimized foliage vfx.
- Added more items on the board.
- Optimized card health and power.
- Added Crypto Lockup OPA (On Play Animation).
- Optimized lightmaps and reflection.
- Made Guardian vfx more visible when played on top of thorns (e.g. via Earth Elemental).
- Fixed art with Coffeezilla.
- Added Captain Saylor OPA (On Play Animation).
- The aspect ratio in the game has been enhanced.
- New Drained FX — new vfx for the “drained” mechanic, which triggers when a player attempts to draw a card from an empty deck and takes damage instead.
Can you still hear me? I need to tell you something about the audio! What?! Nevermind…
- Revised Card Play Spell audio.
- Crypto Lockup OPA audio added.
- On Play audio added.
- Hero swap audio added.
- Captain Saylor OPA audio added.
We believe that the key to success with any game is ensuring that gameplay comes first — with the following changes made to improve quality of life for our players:
- Increased max gems from 10 to 12.
- Implemented a fix for audio cutting out.
- Added concede game functionality.
- Made some camera changes to improve card viewing.
- Updated base decks, which will update on new profile creation.
- Implemented a change so that invalid decks now show in red.
- Made a number of Gameplay optimisations.
Even top-notch servers need tweaking occasionally, so we made the following changes:
- String serialization for packets.
- Addressables were removed from server build but kept in client.
- Server optimisations.
Card balance changes
In game, as in life, we are on a never-ending quest for perfect balance. After this update, we should be one step closer to this goal:
- Reduced the max number of copies of any rare card per deck from 4 to 3.
- Changed Mythic cards so that each deck can only include 1 mythic card in total.
- Wen Lambo is now a season that gives all minions on the board pumped for 1 colorless and 1 yellow gem.
- Dorsey changed to Fortify 50 to hero & 20 to minions that you control.
- Chad Raini lifesteal replaced with fortify 100 to owner’s hero.
- Lorem Ipsum lifesteal replaced with fortify 50 to owner’s hero.
- Recursive Reality changed to random friendly minion being banished at the start of each turn, instead of target/selected minion.
- QRug to lose 10/10 for every minion destroyed by its on play effect.
- Swapped the stats and abilities of Kitsune and Cerberus.
- Temporarily changed Schiff’s ability from reducing the cost of all yellow cards in hand by 1 yellow gem — to adding 1 yellow recharge card when played.
- Turtle Warrior HP has been increased from 30 to 40. This should enable a lot more interesting combos with its ability via fortify effects.
Project updates
Are you managing to maintain a healthy game/life balance? Remember that it’s important to take breaks from playing RTLOL, in order to make time for other important things in your life, like the following two items. The fact that these important things are still related to RTLOL is purely coincidental. :-)
- Artkin appeared on United Gamer DAO’s Waypoint Web 3 Discussion on the Avalanche ecosystem — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDMr0utmFLw
- We began working with Skyman Ventures — a marketing agency with extensive experience in gamefi and NFT projects.
Coming soon:
The future is not something we enter, the future is something we create. And we’re going to be creating some cool stuff for you, including the following:
- We will be processing another intake of RTLOL Alpha testers very soon.
- The introduction of an ELO MMR system to RTLOL (to allow players to assess their opponent’s and their own relative in-game skill and experience level and allow players of approximately equal experience/skill to be matched against each other more often).
- The launch of the RTLOL tournament system and the first community tournament.
- The addition of a “play history” mechanic into the game (to see most recent actions taken in a game, including cards played, attacks made, and abilities triggered).
- Kicking off a concerted marketing push to attract new players into the RTLOL testing environment.
See you in the game!
RTLOL TCG Alpha Application Form — here
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/rainiverse
Telegram: t.me/rainicornchat
Raini NFT Platform: raini.io
Twitter: twitter.com/raini_coin (cashtag = $RAINI)
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