What You’ve All Been Waiting For…

The Raini platform is now LIVE!

Today we’re thrilled to offiicially launch the Raini platform and, along with it, release the countdown for our first NFT drop by Alessandro Pautasso (Kaneda99). Check it out here.

Hope you have those rainbows and unicorns ready, because some key crypto celebrities await — yes that includes ol’ Musky himself.

The official drop date for Alessandro’s Crypto History is Friday 23rd of July at 10am GMT.

We know there have been delays along the way, but the reality is that we could not launch until our NFT contract was finalised, and this meant working through a number of technical challenges around the innovative features that we have mapped out for the platform.

We’re excited to start releasing incredible art created by our initial series of featured artists

We will be progressively enabling these exciting platform features as their testing is finalised and they are put into production. Expect to hear more on platform features in the coming days as we talk through what this all means and how everything will work.

You can find more detail about the platform features and how things work on the platform’s How It Works page — so please check that out as it may answer a number of frequently asked questions.

We hope you’re as excited as we are to see this all come to fruition, and we thank you all for your continued faith and support in the project!

Main Raini Website: raini.io

Telegram: t.me/rainicornchat

Twitter: twitter.com/raini_coin (cashtag = $RAINI)

Pancakeswap: Buy on Pancakeswap

Uniswap: Buy on Uniswap

Ethereum & BSC Contract: 0xeb953eda0dc65e3246f43dc8fa13f35623bdd5ed

Etherscan, DEXTools + more: linktr.ee/rainicoin



Raini Studios - Creators of RTLOL / $RST / $RAINI

https://raini.io | https://rtlol.com - Raini Studios is an Independent Game Studio based in Australia, working on our flagship title Raini: The Lords of Light.